Monday, May 6, 2019

Separation Anxiety in Dogs - An Overview of this Condition and What You Can Do About It

an overview of this condition and what you can do about it

Is your dog barking and complaining if you leave him alone? Does she scream and chew your furniture, or does she have accidents every time she leaves home? Well, before you assume that you are "behaving badly", you should take another look at it. Your dog may have a condition called separation anxiety. we also need some solutions for serparation anxiety with dog, fear of separating a dog is a disease that affects millions of dogs in the world. But what is separation anxiety?

Concern for the separation of dogs is a condition in which dogs experience excessive anxiety and nervousness when separated from their human companions or pack leaders. As a result of this disease, many of these dogs try to reduce their anxiety by digging, escaping, mutilating themselves, chewing, barking, or crying excessively. In addition, fears associated with the dog's separation are usually difficult to treat, as the behavior only occurs when the owner leaves and is not proven when the owner is at home.

The solution to anxiety associated with separating a dog is to train him to be alone. This includes having your dog participate in behavior modification with or without medication.

Here are 5 proven tips that can help you recycle your dog:

1. Do not impose severe penalties. Physical punishment does not work and can make the problem worse in some cases. This is because your dog does not "bother" you. She experiences stress and anxiety because she has to be well trained to cope with these states of anxiety.

2. Do not ignore the problem. The symptoms of separation anxiety of the dog do not go away. In fact, they seem to be getting worse as the dog matures. Therefore, it is best to suppress the behavior of the epidemic before it becomes even more problematic. If you notice that your puppy has symptoms of separation anxiety, do not ignore it. Start training now.

3. Develop an individual program for your dog. There are many behavior modification training programs designed specifically for dogs with separation anxiety. Because this disease affects dogs differently, a unique approach often does not work. Instead, you need to develop a specific program that takes into account age, race, tolerance to anxiety, motivational factors, and so on. In addition, you may need to take anti-anxiety medications related to behavioral change therapies to address the severity of the problem.

4. Participate in the basic obedience training of the dog and do not spoil it. In other words, do not give your dog too much attention when you are at home. Instead, encourage her to play alone whenever possible and congratulate her when she does. For example, if you want to give her a present, ask her to place an order as if you were sitting before giving it to her. This makes you the leader of the pack and guarantees that she understands her place as a lower member of the pack.

5. Do not make your dog a big problem. Just do not sit down to greet them for hours, and say goodbye not a hundred times. Just train before you go, give him special treatment and go without much effort. When you return home, keep the secret. This shows that your departure is not a bad thing and something happens. A good thing is to pretend that you are leaving and not going anywhere to get used to being alone.

If you think that your dog has separation anxiety, it is absolutely important not to ignore the problem. While it is tempting to think that the problem will disappear, it is often not the case. In many cases, only the problem increases. By doing what you can do now, you help your dog overcome the separation anxiety when it feels better when you leave it alone.

Go home and discover that your furniture and belongings were destroyed by your dog when you were not there? Do your neighbors tell you that they are barking all day during work? If this is the case, your dog may suffer from separation anxiety, showing destructive behavior, household debris, and excessive vocalization when alone at home.

The fear of being alone is not always a fear of separation, so it is important to determine the true cause of the problem.

I hope you found more information about how to help dog from separation anxiety in this articel. In we're website many articel about training dog or puppy, you can check out for more information and if you know about that you can share with us and comment below.


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