Friday, May 31, 2019

A Surprisingly Simple Way to Stop Your Dog's Barking Now!

a surprisingly simple way to stop your dog's barking now!

Do you have problems with your dog stopping to bark? Do your friends, relatives and neighbors hesitate to go to your house because your dog will never stop barking at something that moves? In that case, chances are you'll run out of ideas to prevent your dog from barking. Here are some quick ideas that you can implement today to stay quiet ...

First, you must understand that you will never stop barking your dog. The best you can hope for is preventing them from barking at any given time. For example, this can cause them to stop barking when someone passes the door of their home or when they are outside. If you set that goal before you start, you have a realistic expectation of your dog and feel as if you really have a goal for strengthening.

You have to think like your dog. The first reason they bark is that they want to attract attention. So if you really pay attention to them after barking, they are more likely to bark for your attention. Instead of realizing that the dog is barking, you need to act calmly and recognize the problem that causes it to bark, or even better, make it disappear. When they are outside and a squirrel passes, tell your dog to see him, and then go to another place or come in. Do not override either positive or negative as both have the same effect.

Unless you are lucky, all dog owners had to deal with a bell problem. The truth is that the barking for your dog is completely natural and correct. Think about how you would feel if you could never speak. They would explode and say anything you think. In dogs, it is the same. The trick to stop the barking is not to stop it, but to control it.

Dogs bark for various reasons, including rethinking their territory, telling them what they want, warning them of danger, being surrounded by other animals, bored or lonely when locked up in a dog cage for a long time , currently. Time and when you were encouraged to bark for you (more often than you think).

Most barking problems are caused by owners rewarding their dogs when barking, whether they know it or not. This can happen when you yell or annoy the dog and give it the attention it seeks. When your dog is outside and begins to bark, to be let in, and you fulfill his wishes, he tells his dog that all he has to do is bark and give up. Take care of your dog. Encourage him to keep barking. Do not feel bad, we all did it one or the other time.

The key to stopping this barking is to ignore your dog. Do not give him what he wants and he has no reason to bark. This can be difficult for your ears and your neighborhood, but just let them bark until their energies are exhausted. Depending on the bread, it can take a few minutes or more than an hour, but as soon as he progresses, he is lost. Try to escape when your dog barks, go into the next room and do your usual activities. Eventually your dog will understand that his barking will take him nowhere and he will stop.

When your dog barks, when the phone rings, it is best to get used to the sound of a phone and turn it into something positive. Try to call your home dozens of times, and if your dog's dogs bark, ignore them. If that does not work, keep your spirits up and say something like "for" or "enough." If your dog is silent, let him treat himself. After all, after sufficient training, no treatment is required to stop your dog from barking.

Another common problem with dog barking is when the postman or guests are standing at the door. Believe it or not, your dog barks for you. He does not know who that person is and, of course, considers himself dangerous. As soon as his dog starts to bark and the postman is gone, the dog thinks he is the one who stopped the intruder and encouraged him to bark. The first method I recommend is to block the street view for dogs or wherever the post comes from. This can be difficult depending on the configuration of your home, but a dog cage can be a useful tool.

These are some of the most important things to learn stop dog aggressive. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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