Sunday, October 24, 2021

How To Stop Dog Aggression

How To Stop Dog Aggression

It can be very frustrating to own a dog that, while perfectly friendly around you and your family, suddenly becomes aggressive with strangers, passersby or visitors. A dog that suddenly starts growling, biting or snapping at other dogs or people should be trained as soon as possible and their aggression controlled. This can be very difficult when dealing with a fully grown dog, so care should be taken about aggression from the very start when the dog is still a puppy. Here's a beginner's guide to stopping your dog being aggressive in every day social situations.

It is crucial to understand what causes aggression in dogs. There are many different factors that can cause it, and unless you apply the correct remedy to the correct problem, you may end up with an even bigger problem than you started out with. It is also vital that you look out for early warning signs for these kinds of behaviour as you may be too late by the time serious aggression has become a problem for your dog.

The source of much aggression in your dog can be their attempt to assert dominance over you and others. They may wish to be the alpha dog, meaning that they are in control of the 'pack' - in general, your family. You can recognise this particularly in territorial behaviour on the part of your dog. In this case, your dog needs to be taught that they are not in charge, and that you are. Obedience training is the answer here - do not feed your dog unless they come when called. This will teach them to come to you on command and can be invaluable for defusing aggressive behaviour with other dogs. It will also teach them that you are the leader, not them, and that you should not be challenged.

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