Sunday, October 31, 2021

How to Train Your Dog to Come When Called: How to Teach Your Dog the Com...

How to Teach Your Dog the Come Command

For the safety of your pet the "come" command is the most important command to teach. The goal in teaching the 'Come' command is to have a well disciplined dog that can always be brought to your side regardless of the situation. This is as much for your dog's safety and protection as it is for your convenience.

My method of teaching the "come" command to a dog involves the use of a collar and a long leash or check cord. However, your dog needs to become adjusted to the sensation of the collar and the effect of the leash. Do not start training until this is done. We prefer a leash that is at least 15 ft. long. Also, choose a training time when there are no distractions.

Stand with your dog several feet from you and gently pull him toward you with the leash. As he reaches you, give praise by gently reaching down to pet him, rubbing him across the shoulders a few times. It may also help to kneel down in a crouched position to encourage your dog to come to you. You don't need to say anything at all yet because saying "come" will just be confusing to your dog at this point.

In all training, I believe that a dog should know and understand the action demanded of a command before you ever add human language to it. Dogs don't understand our words. They can be taught to understand but it is not a natural or instinctive process for them. Repeat the pulling-in and praise a few more times. The first lesson should only be a few minutes long; a dog's attention span is short and we want the lessons to be a fun time between dog and owner.

After a few sessions, you will notice that your dog comes easier and easier until the slightest tug on the cord starts him right toward you. This is exactly what we want. Giving treats is not necessary, but since this is such a difficult command for some dogs to learn, it may assist in training.

If you want to learn more, please visit: ► ►

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Stop Dog Barking: How to Stop Dog Barking

How To Stop Dog Barking

Dogs barking if left can get out of hand and then becomes uncontrollable when a remedy is taken late to alternate its barking behavior, it is always good to train your dog to stop dog barking because taking dogs barking for granted might result in your dog biting someone or even you. Always try to apply some dog aggressive remedy as soon as you notice your dog has developed a barking problem, it's also good to start initially to stop your dog barking as soon as it starts because if you leave it to continue, he might make it a habit and then trying to stop the dog behavior later on might not be easy. Naturally your dog is supposed to bark when a stranger or a thief approaches you or any of your things, you know quiet well is not normal for your dogs to bark when something that is not usual is going on.

Another method you can use to stop dog barking is by petting them, its your pet and you need to pet them, don't punish them whenever they do little things. Some dogs owner love scolding their dogs which is very bad, these cant stop dog barking rather it would make dogs be aggressive, these normally make dogs start to bark out of the fear you impacted in dogs.

Some dogs do not know whether barking is good or wrong, they have lived with it since they were born, its your duty to make them stop the behavior, sometimes you can tell you dogs to stop barking when they bark, words like that can ease the situation. Always try to scold dogs a little when they are barking in friendly way, do not leave it till after they've finished it, trying to hit them when dogs bark can worsen the whole situation. You can try splashing your dog some little water on the face to stop barking, these might ease the situations that comes from your dog.

Monday, October 25, 2021

How to Stop Your Dog From Pulling With A No-Pull Dog Harness

How Stop Your Dog From Pulling With A No Pull Dog Harness

Many Dog owners have issues walking larger dogs using the standard leash and collar system. By using a "No Pull" type of dog harness to stop the dog from pulling, the owner can drastically change the dog walking experience for the better!

Many owners try to train their dogs not to pull but the basic instinct of many hounds and other larger canines is to explore and mark every part of their environment as possible. This in turn, causes the owner to constantly try to control the animal and minimizes the pleasure of the entire bonding experience they have set aside with their dog.

Essentially the harness based system creates a more controlled environment for the pet owner by spreading the work of the typical leash and collar setup to the chest and should areas. By using this type of setup, the dog is more reluctant to pull against the larger surface area the unit creates.

With just the slightest tug against the harness, the chest and shoulders are pressured which gives the owner much more power and control because they feel uncomfortable and more likely to stop. The dog becomes more obedient and less likely to continue pulling against their own body.

In addition, because the weight distribution is more even across the chest, the dog is not choking and hacking which is typical during pulling episodes.

In summary, to keep the dog from pulling the owner down the road, a No Pull type of dog harness distributes the pulling power of the owner across more surface area than the standard leash and collar system. This in turn gives more control to the owner and provides a more pleasurable walking experience with your best friend.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

How To Stop Dog Aggression

How To Stop Dog Aggression

It can be very frustrating to own a dog that, while perfectly friendly around you and your family, suddenly becomes aggressive with strangers, passersby or visitors. A dog that suddenly starts growling, biting or snapping at other dogs or people should be trained as soon as possible and their aggression controlled. This can be very difficult when dealing with a fully grown dog, so care should be taken about aggression from the very start when the dog is still a puppy. Here's a beginner's guide to stopping your dog being aggressive in every day social situations.

It is crucial to understand what causes aggression in dogs. There are many different factors that can cause it, and unless you apply the correct remedy to the correct problem, you may end up with an even bigger problem than you started out with. It is also vital that you look out for early warning signs for these kinds of behaviour as you may be too late by the time serious aggression has become a problem for your dog.

The source of much aggression in your dog can be their attempt to assert dominance over you and others. They may wish to be the alpha dog, meaning that they are in control of the 'pack' - in general, your family. You can recognise this particularly in territorial behaviour on the part of your dog. In this case, your dog needs to be taught that they are not in charge, and that you are. Obedience training is the answer here - do not feed your dog unless they come when called. This will teach them to come to you on command and can be invaluable for defusing aggressive behaviour with other dogs. It will also teach them that you are the leader, not them, and that you should not be challenged.