Monday, June 17, 2019

Dog Training Hand Signal

dog training hand signal

Dog hand signals are easy to teach and understand for most dogs. A hungry dog ​​and several food pieces are the conditions to start. First link a hand movement with one of your basic commands. It is just a repetition to allow your dog to respond to the hand signal.

Discontinue the verbal instruction as you continue to use the food reward. In order to continue the signal from the dog's training hand, you must immediately eliminate the feed part of the process if your dog responds constantly and silently to the gestures of the hands. Soon your dog will come to sit down and lie down in a slow gesture.


Begin by leaving your dog in front of you while holding a piece of brittle in your hands. You must start the dog's training signal with your hands by your side, intentionally lifting it and bending it as if you were throwing something away. Do this gradually by quickly sending the snack to your nose and at the same time saying "Sit down" while keeping your nose up. Reward the croquettes if you succeed.


Let your dog sit in front of you. Raise your hand over your head and hold a piece of brittle between your fingers. Lower it slowly while holding your arm out until it moves freely on your side. Do this constantly while you give the signal and say "down" so that the nibble can flow through your nose. Reward the croquettes when it's alright.


This is a hand signal for dog training, where your dog must be in front of you. Start with your arm outstretched while holding a piece of nibble between your fingers. Now move your arm to touch your opposite shoulder and follow the rest of the sitting and descending procedures.

Teaching a bit of basic dog obedience is essential as it not only produces a good dog breeder, but also basic obedience when solving certain problems.

Here I talk about simple sitting, stays, heels and informal memories. If you intend to train your dog in obedience tests, you may want to sign up for training at a dog obedience training club.


It's a simple exercise to teach, just like falling. I use the click and reward system and at this point you have to compress the lips without making a sound. Hold a treat in one hand and click in the other. Raise the candy over the dog's nose with the dog next to you in an arch over his head.

Move slowly and let the dog's nose follow the food. When the head goes up and down, the back end starts to fall and the dog is sitting. It is important to be in harmony with the movement of the hand. The slow, smooth bow should be repeated every time.

Some dogs are very persistent and if you can not sit down, hold the food over your head, but apply slight pressure on the buttock. The dog will finally come up with the idea.

Here the click must be accurate. You want to mark the dog's back by touching or just before touching the floor. Earlier than late with the click. You may need to repeat this exercise over and over again before the dog really feels untreated. Many short sessions are better than long.


The fall is taught with the dog in a sitting position, and the candy is taken from the dog's nose directly on the ground between the dog's paws and advanced in the form of "L". Click when the front elbows touch the ground or just before it. The movement of the hand must be done at medium speed and have the same letter "L".

Because the lintel position is a submissive position, some dogs may not fall immediately. The patience and, if necessary, a slight pressure on the shoulders eventually reach the dog that should fall.

You can start by adding a keyword with the sitting or lax position if you can bet $ 50 so that the dog follows the visual cues of your hand. They say the word, then give the signal and do not forget the click when the dog performs the requested action.

Do not repeat the command immediately if the dog does not respond to the voice signal. If you make a habit of repeating your orders, the dog will reach a stage where he knows he can ignore the first 3, 10, or 20 orders and act at will. If the dog ignores the first command, you have moved too fast.

These are some of the most important things to learn obedience training your dog. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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