Saturday, September 5, 2015

How to Stop a Dog's Hiccups

Your dog or puppy will hiccup as a result of a spasm in his diaphragm. At times, air that is pushed into the lungs may interact with the vocal cords, causing hiccups. Some of the most common causes of hiccups in dogs are stress, fear, excitement or eating too quickly. Hiccups usually last less than an hour and naturally go away on their own. However, you can help stop your dog's hiccups by changing his breathing rhythm.
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Exercise Your Dog
Take your dog for a brisk walk and fresh air outdoors. Walk around your block, to the dog park or any favorite place that you prefer. The brisk walk will change your dog's breathing pattern helping the hiccups to stop. Once you notice that your dog's hiccups have disappeared, you can slow your pace and enjoy a leisurely walk back home. If your dog has to remain indoors due to weather, walk with him throughout the house or have him climb the stairs.
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Provide Calmness and Relaxation
Your dog may have developed hiccups due to stress, anxiety or even excitement. If you think the hiccups were caused by stress, you will want to calm your dog by creating a serene atmosphere. Remove your dog from the location where he developed the hiccups as his surroundings or people around him might have been the cause. Allow your dog to cuddle in his favorite bed or even on the sofa next to you. Petting your dog gently and calmly or even massaging him softly will help him relax and may make the hiccups go away.
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Drink Water
Provide fresh water for your dog and encourage him to drink. By consuming the water he will change his breathing pattern as he drinks. Moments later his hiccups should disappear. If your dog refuses to drink water, you can put a small treat in the bowl so it encourages him to drink the water to eat the treat.
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Distract Your Dog
Many dogs enjoy toys and playing with their owners. Distract your dog from his episode of hiccups by squeaking or presenting the toy to your dog. He will want to chew on the toy, which also causes his breathing pattern to change. Safe chew bones, ropes and toys are common choices. If you find that your dog has reoccurring episodes of hiccups several times a week or more, contact your veterinarian to have your dog examined. Usually hiccups are harmless and do not cause health problems. But in severe hiccup cases it can be a sign of a more serious illness such as asthma, heart disease, hypothermia or other respiratory diseases.
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