Monday, April 22, 2019

Stop Your Puppy Biting Mouthing

Stop Your Puppy Biting Mouthing

How to stop puppies mouthing and biting as with any problem behavior teacher puppy what you do want him to do instead of biting dogs use their mouths to interact with their environment so it is normal for a puppy to want to bite your hands or clothes however in our society it is highly inappropriate to train a puppy to stop using their mouth when interacting with humans is simple all you have to do is set up training scenarios where your puppy would normally start biting and train an alternate response calmly sitting lying down standing or walking with a closed mouth first when do puppies stop biting you would start with the least arousing game so simply just a reaching hand as you reach click or say yes and then feed a treat as the puppy is successful you can progress to more and more arousing stimulus I'm gonna touch her and click and feed that's when she actually got you to know she opened her mouth on my hand but what I want to teach her is that a reaching pan

How to Stop a Dog From Nipping When Excited?

that doesn't mean just open your mouth and take it into your mouth it means the predictor that your cheats gonna happen so hopefully she'll catch on that action is not a stimulating action it just critics and it's treating you're petting doesn't mean outside of that it so hands on you people's picking your treat and the first you're gonna start off doing it very slowly you don't want to get too excited and do it you know people are gonna do you wanna start just touch the street and you have to make sure you know the clicker is a shoe ladder or you just keep in touch because you make a scary noise [Laughter] another thing you can do is do all the things that you don't usually but the line engine fight perhaps if I didn't have treats and have the clicker right now and I stopped I feel like that you know I could go after my shoes and want to chew on them so I'm gonna do the thing that's the stimulus for it

you know they're biting and put the dog free being working for the street just standing Foley now I said awkwardly about my shoes you I would say whoops that was too much I'm just gonna go to doing step in front of the dog how do I stop my puppy from being aggressive and biting? maybe I can't borrow the leash because I know she really wants the leash if your puppies getting too excited by this game stop and try again later when the puppy is calmer you can also use a lower level of reinforcement if your puppy is too excited about the food as well as watching my video before you start training with food the great thing about conditioning handling to be calming and reinforcing rather than exciting and arousing is that you can use handling in the future to calm your puppy down when he's too excited or even as an adult dog if your dog is fearful or reactive of something you can use handling to communicate and tell them everything's fine and calm them down

When do Puppies Stop Biting so Much?

Here I am demoing an appropriate way to pet your dog you should respect your dog and stop guests from doing invasive petting as well as over arousing petting you should not allow your dog to be manhandled or petted roughly petting should not only be rewarding for the human but for the dog as well however at some point in your dog's life someone might get to your dog before you can stop them and be overly rough you can prepare your dog for these situations by playing training games but when these situations do occur in real life respect your dog and get them out of the stressful situation do practice handling exercises for grooming as well as vet visits regularly so you probably did you know touching equals cheese knife is threatening more exciting things like and that doesn't mean turn around and go for me right squeezing these claws treat the thing the lips check this teeth

oh he's really good is this the same dog yeah he has changed a lot will now we have a lot more time to focus on what kids might do out now put the hook the iRacing not actually put eyes but you know to mess with them yeah but there's no noise look at this pause guess you're very good with this because that's what people do they rub them like this and pat their ribs right and that just means you know the humans doing really arousing stuff and you don't get to do much simply there sadly that's what happens here are some tips these exercises should only be done by adults as children can actually teach dogs to find mouthing and biting fun if you want to work with your child as a distraction have your puppy on leash while you control all interactions making sure to end the game if the puppy gets too aroused children under the age of five should never be left alone with a dog or encouraged to interact with their pet dogs as they cannot control how rough they are and can make your dog learn to not like children as well as it is unsafe for the child

Aggressive Puppy Biting

put your puppy on leash and tether him to a door so that you can escape him if you make a mistake by progressing too quickly and elicit mouthing if your puppy starts mouthing you during the training games it means you've gone too far too quickly go back a step and make the game easier make sure your puppy can always back away from you so they don't feel trapped or Forrest when being handled this is because they could start learning to bite out of fear or stress if you have an adult dog or adolescent dog that is mouthy watch my handling shyness articel if you must roughhouse with your dog have a structured game where you hold a toy in each hand that the dog can bite never allow your dog to bite your hands when playing if you feel teeth the game ends always have a cue to start and end the game and never reinforced the dog for starting the game on his own what to do if your puppy bites you outside of a training session every time a puppy is reinforced for putting teeth on human skin a bite reinforcement history is being created take mouthing seriously and make sure you do not reinforce it ignoring biting is a bad idea because it is self reinforcing there are many ways to stop biting from being reinforced so use your judgment as to which technique works best for your puppy to lower his arousal one interrupt and redirect call your puppy away from the person being bitten pop-up puppy and redirect him to a toy or something more appropriate you can also interrupt a bite by simulating the yaw of another puppy but this can actually have the reverse effect on some puppies and make them want to bite

Doggy Dan's Online Dog Trainer Review - Does It Really Work?

you more so use your common sense to remove your attention stand up and withdraw your hands if the puppy is biting them resume when the puppy has come you can also step over a baby gate to prevent interactions until the puppy calms down 3 calmly pick the puppy up and hold him in a way that his teeth do not reach your skin until he has calmed down you can offer calming signals like yawning and blinking to help him calm down in no way should you do this in a vindictive or threatening manner as you want to train your dog to trust you and find being restrained calming and reinforcing see my articel on puppy restraints coming soon 5 youth prevention if you know your puppy always fights in certain situations set those situations up as training games first if your puppy always bites your feet when you go up the stairs click the puppy as you approach the stairs and click and treat as you go up for the absence of bites give your puppy a chew or take the puppy for a walk before his witching hour begins rather than trying to work through it at no time will you be positively punishing your dog for biting as that can cause the dog to become more aroused you will simply be removing the reinforcement of the puppy continuing biting while you train an alternate response spending time on handling exercises in teaching default calm behaviors like a settle will increase your puppy's ability to cope with exciting situations and help him make the correct choices I hope you enjoyed this articel if you want to find out more about how do I stop my dog mouthing or different dog training techniques click below and you can also find out more on our page and dog behaviorist thank you for reading.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Lure-and-Reward Training for Dogs

lure-and-reward training for dogs

This is how to teach your dog to do practically anything about tips for dog obedience training. For our first trick we're teaching a baby river to spin in a circle. Step one lure the dog. Put the treat in front of the dog's nose and get her to follow it into the position you want. When she does say your marker word or click your clicker and then give her a treat. From now on this will be referred to as mark and reward. Some dogs won't follow the lure at first they might just stand there and stare blankly. They need to be taught how to play the lure game first. So forget step one for now and start with step zero, teach the lure game. Just get your dog to go after the lure and then once she is enthusiastically following the lure. We can go back to step one, lure the dog. You might be able to get the entire behavior in one lower other dogs might have some trouble with that. Like with a spin trick some dogs might get stuck halfway through the turn.

Shaping Dog Training

In that case break it down a bit start by marking and rewarding for partial turns and then a little bit more of a turn until eventually you're getting the complete spin. Repeat step one enough that the dog is consistently following the war into position every time. don't add the vocal cue yet. It probably feels like you should start singing the voice command right away but that actually doesn't come until later. Step two fading the lure add a hand signal. How many dogs do you know who will only do their trick if there is a treat right in front of their face. There is a very fine line between lure reward and bribery. If you get stuck on the lure step for too long it becomes bribery, so as quickly as possible stop using the lure. after about two successful sessions of step one, to start step two you're going to pretend that you still have a tree in your hand. Make the exact same hand motion and then when the dog does the thing mark and reward with a treat out of your other hand.

If she doesn't follow your hand without a treat then you're probably trying to progress too quickly. So go back and work on a step one for a little while longer with each successful. Repetition of step two you are slowly making it more obvious that you're not actually holding any food in your hand. Can I add the vocal cue yet? No, not yes, not for this step, not until step three, and the vocal cue.Okay you chatty primate now that your dog is consistently following your hand signal every time you can start adding the voice command. You don't want to add the vocal cue before the dog has a decent understanding of what you're asking her to do. If you add it too early you run the risk of her associated with the wrong behavior. So this time while you're doing the hand signal say your voice command. I'm using the cue clockwise with river, but you can pick whatever cue you want. As you do each rep of this step the hand motion becomes less exaggerated until it ends up as the final hands ignore.

What happens next which I forgot to film for some reason is fading out the hand signal entirely if you want to. You do this by saying the cue before you do the hang signal. So instead of doing what you've been doing so far which is clockwise it becomes clockwise. The dog will figure out that the voice command predicts the hand signal which prompts the behavior. Soon you just can cut out the middleman of the hand signal and just go from voice command to behavior. Let’s recap, step 1 lure the dog. Step 2 fade the lure. Step 3 add the both of you. Okay so there you have it that is lure reward. Next time we're going to talk about the slightly more complicated method of shaping. I hope you have found lure/reward training in this articel, and you can make starting fast.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

How To Walk On A Leash Without Pulling?

how to walk on a leash without pulling?

In my last articel I asked you what you wanted to see this time and you said you wanted to see six-month-old Nina learn how do I get my dog to stop pulling on the leash if you're new or you're finding my videos for the first time go ahead right now that way you'll know when I upload a new articel and it's free when reading a dog to walk without pulling we often see a complete breakdown in communication and so much frustration as a matter of fact many professional trainers recommend that you do things like use a choke chain prong collar or shock collar to discourage your dog from pulling the only tools you need to teach a dog to do this or your sophisticated human brain and a patient attitude.

How to Train a Dog to Walk on a Leash Beside You?

First understand why dogs pull on a leash dogs walk faster than we do very often the dogs that are pulling on a leash are the very dogs that were bred to have exceptional endurance and stamina like hunting dogs or herding dogs or retrieving dogs that is the complete opposite of walking slowly next to a person nonetheless dogs have shown us throughout their history that they're highly adaptable to what we as people teach them to do do what you can to try and get that initial layer of energy out of them before introducing this concept to them dogs are much more receptive to learning once they've gotten rid of some of their energy if you have a super high energy dog you should not be relying on walks as your dog's primary form of exercise consider getting involved with something like dog sports or taking regular long hikes if possible dogs need to get tired and they need to have a proper outlet for that energy when introducing a concept like this to your dog it's important to do it indoors in an environment that they're familiar with like your house the last thing we want to say to our dogs is.

Hey I'm going to teach you something new and I'm gonna ask you to do it and the most distracting environment possible think about it when she's pulling what is she saying she's saying I really want to get to there so you let her know what that's not the way to get there the first rule is to make sure you're not advancing if there's any tension at all why do dogs pull on leash on the leaves both of you are fantastic with the eye contact but on loose leash walking you're a bit disconnected from the eyes this can be achieved by getting their attention with a treat early on but let me be clear we're not focused on luring our dog this is just to get their initial attention on us the treat is temporary this way and this arm will kind of bridge the eye contact so this goes from here yes to interact with them often what you got to improve on is locking your eyes more let them know you love their behavior often if they know sit ask them to sit off and while on a leash rewarding on sit even.

Leash training an older dog

If they know sit really well you should still reward in this instance because you're combining it with another behavior walking on a leash without pulling this makes it more challenging for your dog acknowledge their success really sore student uh-uh no every time then that's a normal habit for her she's a jumper so just withhold that reward be patient if your dog does this during leash training do your best to ignore it and focus on teaching one thing at a time if you need help with jumping check the description of this articel and I have a fantastic articel I think we'll go downstairs and try it in the in the outdoor environment our dogs are not robots quite the opposite they're very smart beings and smart beings are curious and very aware of their surroundings we're gonna give it a shot outside and see how Nina does whenever we change environments our dogs we ask them to do something in an environment that's more distracting or unfamiliar we're likely to have relapses so it's important that we take a step back and be patient with them and work with them in that new environment don't wait til you have somewhere to be to train this to your dog.

You won't be in a patient mindset and when you're not patient progress is unlikely more important than correcting behavior is really acknowledging when our dog is excelling yes hey Nina yes I like that she wasn't pulling there you know I could see she had already gotten in the habit of pulling because the closer we got to the door the more she pulled Nina sweetheart hey sit don't pull me okay let's walk yes good engagement like this the best time to correct unwanted polling is right before it occurs now if you know your dog well you'll know what I'm talking about they will foreshadow right before they start pulling that is your cue to get their attention onto you and reward them heavily we're acknowledging it right here since there's tension on the leash I need to get her attention back here hey over here come on no this makes you go away from that sit watch mood easy yes good Nina no ma'am if you see she's about to pull stop then don't wait for the polling to occur to correct yes no ma'am she's a thinking dog look at this yes good girl.

How to leash train a dog that won't walk?

This is great whenever we want to change as few variables at a time on our dog we're going to do the same thing we did upstairs but now it's a new environment and we're not asking for perfection but we are asking for improvement it is so important to work with our dogs on the things they know in various unfamiliar environments and to do it off and that's how we get them to internalize the behavior and really understand that as you're walking and she starts to pull you take a few feet back right here and Jose brings up the obvious dilemma we found we were unable to move anywhere yeah that's about right that's how it's gonna be in the beginning I mean that's you've got to get through that first layer walking nicely on the leashes baby steps you can't build Rome in a day yes good girl and see if I can get to three steps in with no tension.

I'm rewarding that all day long give them easy stuff to do like sitting and sitting often and reward on set this will keep them motivated and enthusiastic to learn yes cut cut this way good this way over here hey Nina sit yeah perfect look at that this is subtle but observe how Susie resists the urge to tug on the leash when she changes directions this isn't just about a more humane way to train a dog it's about actually teaching our dogs to think I like how you stuck with her there a lot of people tend to just pull the leash there but you stuck with her when you see that attention is about to slip and they're about to go into polling mode insist on getting their attention back on you again rewarding them from the behaviors you like you know yeah there you go that was good she started to die off and look ahead but you got her that is perfect this is interesting a real life distraction presented itself who say he does a great job here of saying.

How to stop a dog pulling on the lead?

I know you hear that so do I I know what it is I know how to proceed pay attention to me let's keep going please again do this in your own way but understand that dogs are perfectly capable of understanding these concepts if your dog is so distracted you may need to get in front of them to block their view in order to get their attention on to you when you feel you have their attention move out of the way let them look at the distraction but still communicate to them you want them to stay now we have a distraction coming so we're gonna try and enforce it stay in real life this is a wonderful opportunity to train in real world conditions she's laying off the distraction that's very good remember we don't need to be terribly reliant on treats moving forward that's because the environment will eventually serve as the reward in other words.

Your dog gets to enjoy the walk without interruption as long as they're walking without pulling let's walk this way walk in and look at this this is four or five six seven eight I like to count the number of steps I can get in reasonably without pulling occurring Nina sweetheart this way one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen I mean this look there you go see that that's what you love when she goes when she's looking up at you let her know in your own parental way how much you love that I'd say we had a pretty successful training session with Nina there's still several weeks of consistency ahead in order for her to really internalize the behavior but she's got two wonderful people who care very deeply about her well-being and  how to train your dog to not pull on the leash should be the first consideration when teaching a dog.

How to Stop A Puppy Jumping Up?

how to stop a puppy jumping up?

I asked you in my last articel what you wanted this articel to be about most of you said you wanted to know how to handle unwanted how to train your puppy to stop jumping now consider sharing this because one of the original points of frustration for new pet parents is the fact that their dog jumps on them when they don't want them to huge problem easy solution first understand that the root cause of most unwanted jumping is lack of physical exercise mental activities and/or overall communications asking a dog to not jump on you who has a lot of energy and not a proper outlet is bordering on unreasonable this is a real puppy behavior.

How to Stop a Puppy From Jumping Up On Strangers?

You see how he's grabbing on a leash he wants to play tug he's turning down turkey feet to play tug-of-war with a leash that's a play driven dog your dog should know how to sit and stay pretty solidly before teaching them not to jump on you if you need help with that I will have videos in the description either way I promise you'll have a much better idea as to how to deal with unwanted jumping over the next several minutes make sure you click the subscribe button right now so you can be notified every time I upload a new video I mean why not it's free how many of your dogs jump when you don't want them to let's talk about why dogs jump to begin with there's a lot of common myths out there about dog training that installment and so that's your dog trying to be in control it's the exact opposite a lot of unwanted behaviors like this are often attributed to a dog trying to be dominant the reality is dogs are very often very physical and playful beings.

This has nothing to do with them trying to gain some type of status within your family they jump because dogs like to greet us at the face that's how dogs say hello and I love you too other life forms that's how they shake hands that's how they greet us nonetheless it can be pretty obnoxious the golden rule with jumping is it's your responsibility as a parent to make sure that your dog is not getting any attention from anybody unless all four feet are on the ground when your dog does something you like or don't like it's important that you react quickly and tell them so if you're not reacting instantly and your dogs doing something you don't like they learn that they can get away with it we're a certain period of time before you're gonna do something about it they're like alright I can jump a little bit at least I've been allowed to do that it is vital that you have the right frame of mind when teaching your dog.

How to Stop My Puppy From Jumping

You can never train a dog when you're in a hurry or when you're frustrated your choices are to be sincere and patient but if you're sincere impatient your dog will learn at Lightspeed guys there are two main types of jumping there's the kind of jumping where they jump on you and there's a kind of jumping where they jump on somebody else let's talk about how we deal with in jumping on us first the traditional advice on this is when your dog jumps on you you cross your arms and you turn around okay that's fine and that's cool and you should do that but what's missing from that traditional advice is that you need to have some feeling behind it you need to have some communication with them you got to do this in your own individual way look into your dog's eyes often when you're training them her eyes will get all wide and she'll say I'm about to jump him.

I'm sorry all of your dogs no sit stay you're not gonna be overly firm with them because that can be a bit counterproductive use treats in the beginning that is ideal when I see that he's thinking about breaking you're out of there quickly I'm instantly removing myself with a severe jumper you come in like this really slow my goal here so just try and touch her on the head without her jumping ah be one step ahead of them the closer I get the more tempting it is for him the best time to correct an unwanted behavior is right how to stop a puppy from jumping up on furniture before it occurs it's important that when our dog jumps on us that there is a consequence the consequence in this case is simply removing our body from them so they can't jump on it I want him to know getting up made me get way far away from you because you were thinking about jumping and see if he's going in without because he really wants to interact with me he's a very happy dog.

I will communicate with her hey Mia how are you sit very good yes that's good pet them very softly in order to encourage them to be calm if you have a really excited dog using treats might actually encourage them to be a bit more calm as well because all she wants is some interaction yes I touched her I'll give her a treat and I haven't been able to touch him yet again the goal here is to be able to touch him yes good you see that I'm gonna jack off him right now I'm gonna get a massive treat because he did really really good jackpot is a term we dog trainers used to mean a giant reward when they really reach deep to do something that was really good guys over time as your dog learns they will remember that in order to receive attention they need to keep all four feet on the ground here.

How To Stop A Puppy From Jumping On The Counter

I saw in Sully's eyes that he was receptive to staying in order to be pet so I thought I would test his willpower a bit look did you see the restraint right that some of us like it when our dogs jump on us from time to time I certainly do you can have it both ways if you ask them to jump it's fine they're perfectly capable of knowing that it's okay to jump only when you say it's okay your dog is extra antha say after you've returned home from work after several hours you may need to have them in another room like a bedroom or let them in the backyard to run around a bit to get some of that energy out that way they're more receptive to learning this concept but what do we do when our dogs jump on friends family or strangers tell me if this sounds familiar you're walking down the street with your dog you see a friend approaching you you want to stop and talk to them your dogs jumping all over them and you're saying no no no and you're trying to maintain somewhat of a conversation you're like.

Hey how's it going stop jumping stop jumping oh how you been so you're giving 50% of your attentions here and 50% to the person so your attention is divided isn't it you got to pick your dog in this case guys it is totally okay to say I'm sorry I'm trying to teach my dog not to jump sit stay then you do this with the other person other person will you please pet my dog if your dog then goes to jump as they will initially we don't expect them to do anything it's not their fault they're not doing anything wrong they're just trying to pet your dog but you're in between that person and your dog every time they jump you're right there sit stay only then does the person pet your dog when all four feet are on the ground our overall demeanor and attitude should suggest to our dogs you're not going to jump and also get pets at the same time does that make sense a lot of old-fashioned ways for dealing with unwanted jumping are still recommended today by many dog trainers things like kneeing them in the chest when they jump or pulling back by a leash and collar in order to show them who's boss these approaches tend to really trivialize the sophisticated intellect of our dogs use that opportunity to really make them think the more you physically make your dog through something.

Jump Control Puppy Training

The less effective your training will be because it's not coming from the inside out if you just are a little patient with them and you encourage them to perform the behavior voluntarily you'll get much better results I really try and give you a lot of different examples so that you can get a true sense as to how to deal with your dog on this particular issue now realistically it takes a few weeks of being very consistent on this with them an order for them to really start to get the behavior if you find videos and tips like this helpful you can tell me so by clicking thumbs up and I'm also gonna let you decide what my next video is going to be about would you rather see 4 month old Lexie the German Shepherd dog learn how to stay at the doorway so she doesn't run into the street or would you rather see six-month-old Nina learning how to walk on a leash without pulling tell me in the comments below also like me on Facebook where I post my secret dog training advice articel about how to stop a puppy from jumping on people and lots of other fun stuff as well okay guys tell me in the comments below what you want to see in the next articel.

What To Do About Your Dog's Separation Anxiety

what to do about your dog's separation anxiety

Thank you to Rover for sponsoring this articel and get America's number-one guide to raising and teaching your dog everything they need to know stop humping me oh my goodness thick thumbs up for this adorable Vizsla puppy he doesn't even have a name yet what would you name him if he was your dog tell me in the comments below dogs are social they like being around people the most convenient reliable way I know of to get someone to tend to your dog when you can't is with Rover comm and the Rover app the Rover app gets 4.9 stars on the App Store Rover is a website that lets you find dog walkers and pet sitters from drop-in visits to day care to overnight stays and you could search book and pay all within the app too this is great news for dogs with separation anxiety with your dog or if you have a new dog since new dogs typically require a little bit more attention you can choose from all these different services and there's just tons of five-star people and these are verified reviews separation anxiety issue in dogs.

How To Break A Dog's Separation Anxiety?

Let's check out grace grace was loving generous and fantastic plus very affordable we'll definitely use again she's five point nine miles away it's $13 per visit seems very reasonable to me and I like that you can have unlimited meet and greets to make sure that you're very comfortable with whomever you choose you can really narrow it down here based on your dog's weight you can narrow the price range so you can really find the perfect person that's what Rover is about visit Rover comm slash WIilliam Tam and you'll get $25 off your first booking here's an interesting fact about Vizslas their nose eyes and nails should all blend with their coat so they're all kind of similar color Vizslas have been around for about a thousand years and they also have a reputation for kind of stressing when their people leave them alone separation anxiety can be difficult to define because we're trying to figure out how a dog is feeling and since dogs can't tell us how they're feeling we're left to interpret that leaves a lot of room for error.

Dog Separation Anxiety Symptoms

How do you do your best to determine if your dog has separation anxiety well my experienced dogs with this issue will typically follow you around everywhere or wine or frantically bark when you're out of reach see excessive repetitive barking whining and pacing seems to have a way of calming many dogs when they're anxious they may also have some involuntary physiological responses like dilated pupils are drooling or panting or even sweaty paws for your paws sweaty no they may often attempt to break out of their confinement to concentrate their destructive chewing or digging a viewer at exits and windows and in extreme cases they don't really care if you leave a toy like this or a bone stuffed with peanut butter behind and you might notice increased rates of potty accidents too and it's even probable that many dogs are predisposed to separation anxiety.

Dog Separation Anxiety Training

I mean think about it we selectively bred them to interact just with us whether that be for companionship or for a working partnership and it's hard to fault our dogs for wanting to be with us all the time that probably means that you have a wonderful bond with them and that is so important understand though that just because your dog barks chews things or has potty accidents when you're away does not mean that he necessarily has separation anxiety that actually is very common with puppies but it's also a sign of anxiety with many dogs as well but for whatever reason he's anxious maybe he's looking for his dad maybe he's just more a majority of dogs who do these things they're just bored or if not properly house trained yet if your dog is under five months old much like puppy is over here your dog is probably meeting a lot of the symptoms that I've gone over so far but this is really normal for puppies and you want to do your best to avoid having them spend too much time alone at that age anyway a study in the Journal of the AVMA was designed to look at risk factors and behaviors associated with separation anxiety and had some pretty interesting results the study looked at records from the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine behavior clinic of 400 dogs 200 of them had pre identified separation anxiety defined in this study as showing signs including destruction and appropriate elimination or excessive vocalization that occurred only when their person was absent and 200 control dogs.

Curing Dog Separation Anxiety Quickly

Dogs that acted hyper attached you know by following their people around excessively or starting to get anxious when they noticed a portrait cues like putting on shoes or getting keys and getting excessively excited to greet you upon return were significantly associated with separation anxiety many have wondered including myself if the dog being separated from their mom at a young age might contribute towards some having separation anxiety that hypothesis however was not supported by this study most often resolving separation anxiety comes down to making sure your dog is getting plenty of mental and physical stimulation along with preparing them for being alone ahead of time long term as most dogs mature and to our way of life they tend to get more comfortable when you leave them alone but if you want to speed up that process exercise them regularly a study in the journal PLoS ONE found that the largest environmental factor significantly associated with separation anxiety was the amount of daily exercise a dog received see if your dog has a serious physical outlet they're a lot more likely to just chill when you're gone giving your dog a proper outlet for their excess energy just before you leave them alone maybe all you need to do for immediate relief dogs are incredibly smart and they have a way of picking up on those very subtle cues that indicate that.

They're about to be left alone focus on identifying that first trigger that really Clues them in that you're getting ready to leave routine is underway once you identify these early cues you want to start to condition your dog to look forward to these events so instead of oh no you're leaving we want oh boy I get something I want I'm gonna pick these up jiggle them so we're trying to get him to associate the sound of the keys with getting a good tree drop them and look at it he's automatically looking at me so it looks like he's already starting to make that Association once you've done this exercise for a few minutes you might then want to start doing something that's a little more realistic maybe your keys are on your table like this yes it's important to do these when you're not completely focused on your dog so when you're just chilling out watching TV or whatever pick up the keys jingle them give your dog a treat now I'm gonna pick them up a little more realistically just toss them down you pick up your keys frequently when you're not actually going to leave and you provide a good consequence.

Dog Separation Anxiety Medication

Your dog isn't going to associate the keys with you leaving every time and so once they're getting that then you might pick up your keys walk towards the door and then just walk back over here right see sometimes you might do that it doesn't mean you're gonna leave every time these are the kind of exercises you do really early on in the training process that are very short-term and just start to give you a little bit of traction and even if your dog isn't anxious you should still do exercises just like this to keep these problems from arising in the first place maybe your dog tends to figure out that when you put on your jacket that you're about to go somewhere sometimes when I put on my jacket I just sit down and hang out this is how you get them feeling good about you picking up your keys or putting on your jacket or your shoe or whatever so if your dog associates your going to work routine with getting something great and you don't always leave then you're well on your way to reducing their anxiety.

Oh looks like you got a little anxious that time there so I left him alone a little bit too long I want to get back in there before that barking and that anxiety really rises to the surface since many dogs with separation anxiety especially the extreme separation anxiety
aren't gonna be very accepting of a bone even if it's filled with peanut butter when you leave you've got a condition your dog to like these ahead of time and the way to do that is to introduce this to them in moments when they are not anxious like right now and so you might do things like tickle the keys give them a bone one way to measure success is that he continues to engage with this bone while I'm out of the room for a moment oh no look at that isn't that interesting he stopped so that might be a sign that he's a little anxious because we know he loves that peanut butter inside there I'm gonna kind of spy on him so right there he's realized that I'm gone.

Dog Separation Anxiety Crate

I saw him glance up but that's all right he went right back to the bone so this is a sign that he's comfortable and he's content I'm gonna come back in before he starts barking and doing all those other things that dogs with separation anxiety do and let your dog enjoy the bone for short periods of time throughout the day and do this really often the next thing you'll want to do is get your dog really comfortable with spending some time alone in the area where you're gonna leave them when you do eventually leave but keep in mind dogs with extreme separation anxiety don't do very well and crates most of the time instead dog poop a part of your house where your dog can't really do any damage and where you can tolerate accidents put them in that area and then let them out before they become anxious that way they slowly get comfortable with being in that area and in the beginning you might just do this literally have them alone for seconds at a time see by easing your dog in to this whole idea of being alone we're trying to make it easier for them to accept us being gone for longer and longer periods of time to come back in gonna pick up the bone right here.

Hey you did a good job and I'm gonna put the bone up so now he's gonna look forward to that bone the next time it comes out hopefully they don't get me wrong this is easier said than done because you have to do these things consistently over a period of weeks for most dogs try to keep these home alone toys like this special so that your dog only has them when they're actually home alone or when you're doing training sessions like we're covering today now if your dog does destroy something while you're away or otherwise that's not their fault it's your job to control the environment so don't punish them for that your dog seems unusually anxious or this behavior is new you may want to talk to your vet about a potential underlying medical issue too don't rush and be prepared to take a step back as necessary only you are gonna know when the time is right to let your dog have the general run of the house.

This process can take a few months in some cases and you may never be able to completely cure your dog separation anxiety in extreme situations but you can almost certainly reduce it over time if you implement the tips we covered today in the meantime while you're working through this it's a good idea to find alternatives to leaving your dog alone like having a friend or relatives spend some time with your dog our sponsor Rover can make that very easy for you -what is your name gonna end up being tell me in the comments below what you think the best name would be teaching your dog everything they need to know about separation anxiety with your dog I'll have those links below good job puppy you did amazing see you guys in the next articel walk in a circle around me and keep doing it indefinitely start as smart.

Help Stop Puppy Cry or Bark in Crate at Night. Puppy Crate Training

Okay so first night quick training I want the dog to like her crate this is her new crate I'm just luring her into the crate I've already done that a few times now so she's going in pretty fast the first time she'll be more careful I can top it in the crate I just want her to like the environment this is How to stop a puppy from barking at night where she was sick tonight and she won't like being locked up she has never been locked up so once the cage doors closed.

Puppy Barking At Night In Crate

help stop puppy cry or bark in crate at night

I think she might cry all night what we want to do is make sure she'd like her crate it has to be a heavy place for her never use the cras a punishment we also bought a pen so if we if we do have to put it away we'll put in the pin a pen is another space where it's more like a punishment if you should do something really naughty so remember you're not allowed to chase small dogs but the Krays always gotta be her a happier century I'm gonna sit here like this until she lays down and look at completely bored and I know my job's done the timing is very important every time she sticks her head forward and she's trying to get out that's when I shut the door watch this which does this should the door so it's strengthening her mind the moment.

Dog Randomly Barking at Night

You think about getting out the door was shut so don't even think about it forget about it I can do this just till we're gonna know the door is shutting anytime you're asking about those are open yes you can open I still you gotta go to bed that's what we need I'm gonna be talking to them doesn't help so try not to talk now eye contact no conversation if you talk to them it what do I do if my puppy wont stop barking at night them very excited they just want to get out of this for you more I'm just gonna stick around for a bit longer to comment if I go to bed she cries again I will repeat the process one more time third time if necessary this will calm them down always works you just have to become bedtime [Music] if she goes back to the same state like this well good if you did that yourself good job see you tomorrow oh yeah.

Dog Won't Stop Barking in Crate

I don't say goodbye the dogs go into the crate and sleep and come out with crazy should be a very normal thing no excitement when you let them out so if you give them excitement every time you put them in they won't come back out when I wake up in the morning doesn't come just let them out I'm usually half asleep in the morning anyways now just quietly good a bit like it's supposed to be it is you.